Hi there!

I suppose I should have introduced myself first. I'm AJ. I currently write fan fiction at fanfiction.net and LiveJournal. I am constantly looking for ways to improve my own writing and I aim to do that by helping everyone else along with me. At least other English-speakers.

Here are my credentials:

At least at writetodone.com. Granted, the quiz is only 5 questions. :) Their quiz is here.

At any rate, I can't help but pick out grammatical errors wherever and whatever I read. Not that I'm perfect, but they just pop out at me. Especially commonly confused words, like affect and effect. Verb and noun, respectively, argh. I actually like to hang out at Dictionary.com, and I did used to read the dictionary as a kid.

So my main idea behind this is to put grammar tips here so I can remember them. And if I can help anybody else along the way, fantastic! Thank you and welcome! :)


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Hi! I'm Ane. I am a wife and mother of 3, soon to be an empty nester. Join me as I discover what I like to write.
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