More Frequently Confused Words

I don't have the market cornered on these kinds of words, but here are several more I've discovered in various works of fan fiction:

canon- noun; a fundamental principle or general rule
cannon- noun; a mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles

then- adverb: at that time, next, immediately, in addition, in that case, therefore
than- conjunction; used to: introduce the second member of an unequal comparison, choice or diversity

past- noun or adjective; the time gone by or gone by or elapsed in time
passed- verb, past tense of to pass; to move past or go by

who's- contraction of who is or who has
whose- possessive pronoun; the possessive case of who or which used as an adjective

lose- verb; to misplace something 
loose- adjective or verb; free or released from fastening or attachment, or to make loose

road- noun; a way or course
rode- verb, past tense of to ride; to be borne along on or in a vehicle or other kind of conveyance

we're- contraction of we are
were- verb, past tense of to be; to exist or live

insure- verb; to guarantee against loss or harm
ensure- verb; to secure or guarantee, to make sure or certain

right- adj/noun/adv/verb; in accordance with what is right, fair or just
rite- noun; a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious or other solemn use

faze- verb; to cause to be disturbed or disconcerted, daunt
phase- noun; a stage in a process of change or development

suit- noun/verb; -a set of clothing/to make appropriate, adapt, or accommodate, as one thing to another
suite-(sweet) noun; a number of things forming a series or set; a set of rooms

its- possessive form of the pronoun it
it's- contraction of it is or it has

That last one brings up another pet peeve of mine- confusion of possessives, plurals and contractions. It'll be a subject for a different post, that's for sure. Also, I should have noted before, but most of my definitions are from


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